Beware the Leprechaun

While mostly I try to feed my three kids simple, healthy meals, there are a couple holidays where I try a little harder for the cool mom award: Halloween and St. Patrick’s day. Halloween for obvious reasons, I mean who can resist having some carrot fingers sticking out of a bowl of hummus? Or deviled eggs with olive spiders on top? Yeah, I do that. The other holiday I sometimes feed my kids themed food for is St. Patrick’s day because its easy – you just gotta go green. 🙂 Years ago I would just add green food coloring to whatever I made but since I’ve learned more about the dangers of food coloring I try to avoid them as much as possible. But that doesn’t stop those leprechauns from tampering with my breakfast.


This picture is not awesome, sorry. I’m not a real photographer, I just play one on Instagram. Really this was our actual breakfast this morning and I didn’t think to snap a picture until it was already on a paper plate. I know, I know, the environment an all that but my house is a mess today and I couldn’t face one more extra dish. Tomorrow I’ll break out the real china and save the planet.

Anyway, to make my green eggs without food coloring I blend 3 or 4 eggs, a handful or two of kale/spinach mix, some salt, pepper, a pinch of garlic and some grated Parmesan cheese if I have it in the fridge. I also sometimes add a dash of milk. Do you like how my measurements are all super exact? You’re welcome. Really I make different amounts every time so I just add what looks like enough of everything.

Only a few more weeks until you have a good excuse to eat these green eggs too. Green is one of my favorite colors so I have an excuse everyday. 🙂 Enjoy!

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